Friday, July 6, 2012

Put that in your pipe and smoke it

In an effort to open Microsoft Word to write this post, I opened my email no less than four times before I realized I was opening the wrong program. I just thought I would share that with you so you know where my head is at.

Moving on, I have determined that a weekly stream of consciousness post is going to be a necessity. There is just so much floating around in the dome piece that if I don’t get it out then I can’t focus long enough to write a real blog post. Case in point, it took me 5 tries and 4 open copies of my email just to open a word document.

So without further adieu…

Midweek holidays are just not fun. They sound fun in theory. Hey, let’s all just take Wednesday off of work! But how much fun can you have when you have to go to work the next morning? Have you ever tried to have a good time on a Sunday night? Plus, it gives the week two Mondays. And let’s be honest here, nobody likes Mondays.

On that note, because it’s a holiday week, 90%+ of management is on vacation. Because you know, they get like 14 weeks a year. Well, we minions still have to work. But it would appear that no one cares. The cafeteria and convenience store in my building have limited hours, the vending machines are bare, and the water coolers are all empty… I am somebody, too, damnitt!!

Remember how I said I couldn’t cook? I made dinner the other night for the first time in….it’s been a long time. I only set off the smoke detector three times, so that’s a success!

I’m still offering up my quality time in exchange for cooking lessons.

My husband did the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me the other day. I’m not going to tell you what it is because it’s none of your business (boundaries people!) but I just wanted to share because it’s so good to know that I am married to such an amazing person. I sure do love him. And on that note, I think everyone should think of something super sweet and original to do for their significant other. Let’s start a movement!

Speaking of movement, does anyone want to be part of my flash mob? I know a former Top Cat and current Lady Cat (professional cheerleader/dancers for those of you not familiar with Charlotte’s sports teams). I would totally ask them to choreograph. I’m thinking it should be done in the middle of the next big city event. Ooohh, like the DNC! Wouldn’t that be hilarious? I wonder if Obama would be game.

I have decided to give up junk food for 40 days. I know what you’re thinking, lent was like three months ago! I really just chose 40 days because I thought hey, if they can do it so can I (“they” being Catholics, which I am not). It began first thing this morning, so no junk food for me until August 13th. If you see me with a milkshake, please feel free to tackle me. I don’t have a really substantial reason for giving up junk food. I have just gotten carried away with it more than I am comfortable with lately. Like really, it makes my stomach hurt. I have been slowly climbing back on the workout wagon so I figured I might as well do all of my suffering at once.

I refuse to go see Magic Mike. I’m a little torn about this because every female I know has seen it at this point. But here’s the thing, Channing Tatum, good looking as he may be, is the WORST ACTOR ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET. How is this guy getting so many movie deals? He single handedly ruined “The Vow” and I will never again pay to see one of his movies. I’m standing my ground on this one.

Now that I have gotten all this off my chest, I’m off to write asomething a little more focused. But just a little.


  1. Mentioning "The Vow"...In my opinion it was ruined when they decided to make a movie out of it, not by the actor. Speaking of Magic was a low budget film to make..that is why they were excited to see how well it would do because they did not spend as much on it as they could have. Also, no one is watching Magic Mike for the acting...and if it wasn't for Channing Tatum in MM, then it wouldn't have been worth any amount of $$ to watch. He is one hell of a dancer, whether he has his clothes on or not!!

    I am glad to hear Jason did something extra special for you, that is something every man should do!

    1. If I had read The Vow I am certain that I would whole-heartedly agree with you. And while I realize that no one would be watching MM for the acting, me included, it's just a personal grudge I hold against Channing Tatum. I'll watch it for free when it comes out on DVD!

  2. No junk food for 40 days? Holy cow. I would be a force to be reckoned with if I gave up junk food for 40 days. I gave up sodas for about a month... but I decided it really didn't make a difference so I am drinking them again. LOL! I have to agree on the mid-week holiday. I know I am currently out for summer, but that doesn't matter. What annoys me about it is that NO ONE can figure out when they are/were supposed to do fireworks. One of my dogs HATES them and we have now had them last weekend, Tuesday, Wednesday (of course), Thursday, and they are planning the neighborhood ones for this weekend. Seriously? When is enough enough? UGH!
    On a side note- I say something all the time that drives my coworker crazy! I say supposed to in a weird way. I pronounce it "post-a" and it drives her nuts. Now, admittedly, I can pronounce it correctly. I am just too lazy. LOL!
    Love your blog!

    1. Giving up soda didn't make a difference? Regular ones are loaded with sugar, diet ones have aspertame and they all have caffeine, which is addictive! But I see what you're saying because I occasionally decide it doesn't matter and start drinking them again. :)

  3. This post is "ezactly" why "your" my best friend. I refuse to see Magic Mike "two" - simply because it's a movie about a stripper and I'm not a 14 year old girl who gets all giddy about naked boys.

    .....and Channing Tatum is a horrible actor.
