Hey. Remember me? I used to write this very honest blog that half of you found funny and the other half found offensive. Life got a little crazy for a while and then I took a really awesome vacation. But, I’m back. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things so I’m going to go ahead and get my brain dump out of the way. It’s my favorite kind of post to write.
Things have been going really well in my life lately. Like…really well to point that I am almost terrified on a daily basis for the bad news that’s going to bring it all crashing to the ground. I’m actually not sure if things are better than usual or if bad things are happening to so many people around me that my problems seem insignificant in comparison. Maybe I’m just more in tune with my surroundings because my job is so boring… Either way, I really hope things keep going this way because it’s very refreshing.
I feel like I’ve grown up a little this year. I’m actually starting to feel like an adult. Not because I’m more mature (lets be real here, you’ve read my blog), but I think it’s because I’m not in school anymore. I became a student about two months after I became a wife so it was a very confusing time for me. Now that I’m a college graduate, with a job, and a husband, and (*gasp*) I am in my late 20’s, and I actually clean my house and cook dinner on a regular basis things seem different. I’ve grown up before my own eyes. It’s weird.
Remember when I said I was going to give up junk food for 40 days? Because if the Catholics can do it then so can I? I would be a terrible Catholic. I only lasted 4 days. And then I spiraled out of control. I’ve been eating whatever I want, whenever I want, for like a month. It’s not working out well for me. I am slowly crawling back onto my healthy wagon. It’s just not nearly as fun as the gluttony wagon.
I used to have a super private cubicle in a corner where no one could walk by and I always had warning if someone was coming in. Well…my group was relocated a couple weeks ago as a result of a company merger. FML. My new cube is on a main highway and the end of a row so EVERY ONE has to walk by my desk 35 times a day. And, bonus, there is a busy printer right outside my door. Someone please tell me how I am supposed to play on my phone and read blogs on my computer all day with all these people watching. GAH!!
I’ve been thinking a lot about friendships; Old ones, new ones, estranged ones (unfortunately), and ones that just don’t get enough attention. Isn’t it sad the way people lose touch? Some of my best friends from high school live so close, yet I haven’t seen them in years. I miss them. My very best guy friend lives 30 minutes away, yet I haven’t seen him in over 2 years and only talk to him through our ‘words with friends’ games. I know he has probably replaced me in his life, understandably, but it makes me so sad because we had the best times together. Some of my best memories are with someone that I’m not even friends with anymore and I can’t even fully explain why. I just know it’s irreparable. Oh life, why must you be so depressing at times? Thank goodness the friendships that are fully intact and well nurtured are so awesome.
If you know anything about me then you know that I LOVE Taylor Swift. I am super obsessed. I’ve actually gotten mad at people for saying bad things about her. So what I’m about to say might shock you…. I think her new song kind of sucks. I mean that in the nicest way possible. Not only is it not country (may I remind you she is a country artist), but it is also one of the most juvenile songs that she’s written. This is odd to me seeing as how she’s getting older and it’s been a couple of years since her last CD was released. I genuinely hope that this song is not a reflection of her new CD. This is not a bandwagon that I will willingly be jumping off of.
The DNC is coming to this great city of mine. I have come to the realization that it’s going to be a gigantic pain in my ass no matter how you look at it. I have options. I can stay in my uptown condo and walk to my uptown job, I can stay outside of the city and drive to my uptown job, or I can stay outside of the city and drive to a remote location to work. Obviously, staying home and walking to work would be ideal. However, the security in this city is going to be so absurd I would probably get sniped for walking down a sidewalk that was restricted to pedestrians. Not to mention the crowds. Add to that the fact that they are actually ticketing people for jaywalking (do you have any idea how long it takes to get somewhere if you actually wait for the lights to change??) and it will end up being one giant headache. They are even increasing security in my building so I would be ID’d every time I walked in the door. Plus, we are thinking about renting out or condo so staying there may not even be an option soon. The option to stay outside the city and drive to work in uptown is almost too complicated to talk about. They are closing so many streets that getting here would be a challenge in itself. Not to mention the parking rates are going to sky rocket so it ends up being a fairly expensive option. My third option is to stay outside of the city and drive to a remote location (one of the company owned plants) to sit in a conference room with the rest of my group for an entire week. One week…looking at my coworkers...listening to them banter. Go ahead and shoot me now because I would never get out alive. More first world problems.
I’m sorry this post wasn’t full of the sarcasm you’re probably accustomed to. Sometimes I have serious thoughts, too. It’s rare, but it happens.
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