Thursday, July 5, 2012

Things you say that make me think you're a complete moron

Lately it seems like the people that surround me have gotten dumber. I know I graduated Summa Cum Laude and everything, but I have a pretty high tolerance for stupidity.

That’s a lie. I was just trying to be humble. Stupid people make me cringe.

So, here I give you list of the things I hear on a daily basis that people say incorrectly.

“It’s a mute point”: You mean the point you’re trying to make can’t speak? I believe you meant to say “moot” point. I have a coworker (who shall remain nameless because I’d like to keep my job) who says something is “mute” almost every time we talk. Does anyone have a witty comeback for that?

“All intensive purposes”: This makes me laugh just thinking about it. I read this hilarious blog called Ring Finger Tan Line (check it out, but don’t leave me!). A few months ago this guy that she blogged about tried to retaliate in the comments section. When she wouldn’t approve the comment he pitched a fit via email so she dedicated an entire post to his rant. It was funny. But what really made me laugh is that he was trying to be a bad ass and put her in her place, but then he says that something is “for all intensive purposes”….aaannndd there goes your credibility. In case you didn’t know, it’s “all intents and purposes”.

“Supposively”: I don’t think I need to elaborate on why this makes you sound like a moron. Surely you don’t think that’s a real word, right? (This one comes from my mute coworker) Also commonly mispronounced as “supposably”.

“Irregardless”: Do you know what this word means? Here, I’ll wait while you look it……

What’s that? You couldn’t find it? Oh, that must be because IT’S NOT A WORD! It’s just “Regardless”…how did it become such a common imaginary word?

“Azackly”: I am probably the only one that hears this one regularly (except my sister). This one comes from a coworker who can’t seem to say “exactly” properly, yet it’s their favorite way to acknowledge that they are listening (azackly, azackly). It’s rather entertaining.

“I could care less”: I always chuckle when I hear this because the person saying it is usually mad about something but trying to pretend like they don’t give a rat’s ass. They MEAN that they “couldn’t care less”, but we both know that they could, why else are we talking about it?

And the thing that really makes me want to stop talking to you altogether…

When you ask a question using the word “is” when you should use the word “are”. For example:

“Is you going to lunch with us?”

“Is there any dogs in the yard?”

It sounds so ignorant that I can’t even believe that people don’t realize it’s wrong.

What do the stupid people in your life say incorrectly?


  1. I think this is a very dynamic post. Hehe

  2. Hahaha! I LOVE it! My personal favorite is, "I seen that". No. You saw it. LOL!
