Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Love Who You Love

There are so many things I could say, and arguments I could make, about the government's interference into the lives of our gay peers. Separation of church and state and all that good stuff. But, this is not a politicial blog and I have no desire to talk politics. I just want to talk about tolerance, acceptance, and quite simply...love.

Whether you believe that a person's sexuality is a choice or something that is decided for them through genetic coding or whatever....who cares!?!? Vegetarian's choose not to eat meat and I still like them. Coming from someone who has a religious experience every time I eat a cheeseburger, that's a big deal!

Can someone please explain to me why it is so hard for the citizens of this country to be tolerant and accepting of our peers in the LGBT community?? Love thy neighbor, man! I know it's not everyone, and thankfully we are slowly starting to see more tolerance, but it's the people that continue to be close-minded (and in a lot of cases, downright hateful) that blow me away. I literally cringe when I hear someone use derogatory gay slang as an insult for another person (whether that target be gay or straight). You honestly think that being gay is such a bad thing that it's an insult? Shame on you.

Some of the most vocal advocates against the LGBT community site the Bible and/or their religion as the reason it is wrong. If that is what you believe that is okay, you get to make your own life choices. But, you can find hundreds of Bible verses on love, acceptance, and tolerance of our fellow man. Why is it OK for you to have disdain for another person (when the Bible says you shouldn't) for loving someone of the same sex (when the Bible says they shouldn't)? I am not a super religious person and I'm not looking for a debate on Bible interpretations. I am just pointing out that it is hypocritical for any person to use the Bible's teachings as a reason to hate any other person.

There are also people that are prejudice of the LGBT community out of blatant ignorance. I honestly can not think of one argument for hating a gay person that I can't refute without effort. For example, I know that a lot of guys will claim to dislike gay people because they don't want to get hit on. It grosses them out. Well guess what? It grosses me out when thugs hit on me (Ay baby can I get yo numba?), but I don't hate them.  I don't even dislike them. Most of them are actually really polite when they aren't showing off for their thug friends. That's more an issue of manners. Some gay people have manners, some don't. Some thugs have manners, some don't. Hell, sometimes I have manners, and sometimes I don't! (its rare, but it happens) Maybe you don't like gay people because you think they ogle you? Well, welcome to the world of EVERY WOMAN IN AMERICA! Who cares, consider it a compliment and move on with your life.

My point is that it should be of no concern to any of us who another person chooses to love. Gay, straight, black, white, or asain....what effect does it have on me? None. It is no different than hating a person because they choose to love a vegetarian (a choice), an atheist (a choice), a blond (a genetic determination), or a midget (a genetic determination). All of these adjectives are completely irrelevant to who those people are. It breaks my heart that my friends, people just like me, are treated so differently for absolutely no good reason.

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